The Wheel Weaves Podcast is able to continue because of people like you. We thrive off of comments or fan interactions on our social media and reviews on itunes.
It takes about 6 to 8 hours to produce an episode of our podcast and we are dedicating our time and effort to create quality content for you to enjoy! We appreciate all support, big and small, financial and emotional.
Supporting on Patreon
The Wheel Weaves Podcast is supported by its generous fans on Patreon. Patreon is a well-established and secure donation platform dedicating to helping bring supporters and content creators together. Pledges from The Wheel Weaves Patreon Team have helped Dani and Brett upgrade audio software and hardware to bring you the best quality content possible. All donations on Patreon go toward helping Dani and Brett continue to produce episodes on a regular basis. Dani and Brett hit their last goal and have brought you TWW Merchandise, this website and they were able to upgrade their audio input (microphone) set up for better audio quality! Their current financial goal will bring patrons more exclusive merch and upgrading the podcasting studio for overall better quality content!
Thank you to all past and present patrons!